Free Printable words that start with C Worksheet

Free Printable words that start with C Worksheet

Free Printable words that start with C Worksheet

Free Printable words that start with C Worksheet…

Hey Teachers! Here you have the perfect resource to practice the letter We have many different words that start with letter C in English. However, we have chosen the most popular ones so the children can identify their meanings easily. In addition, we have combined the words with pictures because we think it will help the child to connect the word to the meaning.

You can use this resource in many different ways. Some ideas are: you can use it as display posters to decorate your classroom. you can project it and hide the words so children can guess them, you can project it to work on pronuntiation or you can just print them, laminate them and use them as flashcards.



Click to download PDF file; Free Printable words that start with C Worksheet.


List Of C Words For Kids

Here is the list of a few c words for kids as mentioned in the tabular column below:

C Words for Kids

Cat Celery
Can Circle
Call Circus
Currency Come
Caterpillar Carry
Chair Curtain
Cinema Close
Cup Cut
Cool ClayC
Cherry  Cloud
Coconut Collar
Carrot Car
Calendar  Crude
Control  Central
Could Cello
Cake Calculator
Carrot Cream
Corn Cheese
Castle Circle
Clock Cookie