Words That Begin With D

Words That Begin With D

Words That Begin With D…

Hey Teachers! Here you have the perfect resource to practice the letter We have many different words that start with letter D in English. However, we have chosen the most popular ones so the children can identify their meanings easily. In addition, we have combined the words with pictures because we think it will help the child to connect the word to the meaning.

You can use this resource in many different ways. Some ideas are: you can use it as display posters to decorate your classroom. you can project it and hide the words so children can guess them, you can project it to work on pronuntiation or you can just print them and laminate them.

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Words That Start With D

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Words that start with Letter D

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Words With D

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Try counting colors with these preschool printables. Simply count the objects of a particular color and write the answer in the box provided. One worksheet each for the primary and secondary colors.

List Of D Words For Kids

We’ve listed 3-letter D words for kids, 4-letter D words for kids, and 5-letter D words for kids in preschool and kindergarten. Check below:

D Words For Kids

Door Dig Date
Dad Dent Drink
Den Dirt Dish
Dab Damp Dive
Dip Dust Dock
Did Dark Dart
Duck Dinosaur Dance
Deer Donkey Deep
Desk Dolphin Dear

List Of D Words For Kindergarten Kids

Although we’ve listed a few D words for kindergarten above, here are some more words that are slightly more difficult to learn!

D Words for Kindergarten Kids

Drum Damage Doing
Dolphin Dam Draw
Driver Dare Dread
Drive Daughter Dirty
Done Doctor Doom
Die Deaf Deem
Daft Dumb Detail
Dabble Deal Dull
Daily Danger Drift

List Of Preschool Words That Start With D

Preschoolers are often very distracted and may not really want to learn big words. For that purpose, we’ve specifically listed a few preschool words that start with D.

Preschool Words That Start With D

Dim Dew
Daisy Drop
Dash Dot
Dice Do
Dawn Dog

Names of Things That Start with D

The letter D is full of simple objects or things that we come across in our daily lives. Teaching little children names of everyday objects or things that start with D is important to boost their communication skills and vocabulary. Here is a list of things that start with the letter D.

List of Things That Start with D:

Dip Doll Date
Dish Dock Drum
Dream Dress Daisy
Dough Donuts Dessert
Diner Dominos Diamond
Door Dollar Drain
Dummy Desk Den

Cool words that start with D

Learning different types of words from each alphabet is very important. It helps build a robust vocabulary, which comes in handy when your child has to take their SATs. Expand your child’s vocabulary with this list of unusual and cool words starting with the letter D.

List of cool words that start with D

Delicatessen Dally Deuce
Docent Deacon Didgeridoo
Debacle Divergent Defunct
Dementia Decadence Democracy
Diabolical Dilemma Diphthong
Diddly-squat Dawdle Dapper
Dearth Descendant Discombobulated
Doodad Doppelganger Demagogue
Doctrine Discotheque Diagnosis

Positive words that start with D

Using positive words have a great impact on both the speaker and the audience. It can help boost their confidence and make them feel good about themselves. Here is a list of some positive words starting with the letter D.

List of positive words that start with D

Dynamic Dear Decent
Dutiful Decisive Driven
Devoted Delicious Deserving
Dapper Determined Destined
Dedicated Diamond Distinctive
Distinguished Divine Descriptive
Desirable Detailed Diplomatic
Dignified Delightful Disciplined