50 Most Common Abbreviations
50 Most Common Abbreviations.. Abbreviations are shortened forms of words used in place of full words. Abbreviations are often used in contexts where you need to fit a lot of words into a small space. They are also useful to use in place of long phrases to make sentences shorter and easier to read.

When English language learners come across abbreviations in texts, they a likely to have difficulty understanding their meaning unless they have taken the time to learn common English abbreviations. Below you’ll find a useful list of common English abbreviations and their meanings. You’ll also be able to download a printable PDF of these abbreviations to help you learn or teach these words to students.

2MORE: Tomorrow
AAMOF: As a Matter of fact
AAR: At any rate
AEAE: And ever and ever
AFAIC: As far as I’m concerned
AFAIK: As far as I know
AFK: Away from keyboard
AKA: Also know as
ASAP: As soon as possible
ASIC: As soon as I can
ATM: At the moment
B/C: Because
B/W: Between
B4: Before
BA3: Battery
BAU: Business as usual
BB: Bye bye
BBIAB: Be back in a bit

BBL: Be back later
BBS: Be back soon
BD: Big deal
BF: Boyfriend/ Best friend
BFF: Best friend forever
BG: Big grin
BMT: Before my time
BOT: Back one topi
BRB: Be right back

BTW: By the way
CFY: Calling for you
CTN: Can’t talk now
CTS: Changing the subject
CU: See you
CUL: See you later
CYE: Check your email
CYL: Call you later
DL: Download
DIKU: Do I know you

DIY: Do it yourself
EOM: End of message
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
F2F: Face to face
FAB: Fabulous
FWIW: For what it’s worth
FYEO: For your eyes only
FYI: For your information
G2B: Going to bed
GBTW: Get back to work
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
FTW: For the win
Click to download PDF file; 50 Most Common Abbreviations.
Click to download PDF file; 100 Most Common Abbreviations.