Free Alphabet Flash Cards-A-Z
Free Alphabet Flash Cards-A-Z.. Alphabet flashcards in uppercase and lowercase for your kindergarten! While at kindergarten I often used A-Z flashcards that were boring and didn’t grab the children’s attention in class. Because of this, I decided to make the ultimate alphabet flashcards set!

Letter recognition is an important skill for early learning. Before a child can learn basic words, letters of the alphabet. This generator allows you to specify in detail which letters you want to create flashcards for, as well as the page layout and even the font used. Free Alphabet Flash Cards-A-Z.

Here are two sets of free, printable alphabet flashcards that include real images and cartoon images. There are a ton of other free alphabet resources here including alphabet sheets, consonant and vowel cards, tracing sheets, and even wall posters. These open as a PDF file and can print 26 flashcards per page.

How to use
The flashcards can be used in a variety of ways. They are great for presenting, practising or revising new language. And they make learning fun! You can use them to play different word games such as memory, matching, guessing, missing cards, or Bingo games.
To print, click the download link below. This will open the file in PDF format.
CARDS A-E ☛ click the download
CARDS F-J ☛ click the download
CARDS K-O ☛ click the download
CARDS P-T ☛ click the download
CARDS U-Z ☛ click the download

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