More and Less Worksheet for Kindergarten
More and less worksheet for kindergarten.. These free printable worksheets for comparing numbers/quantities teach the concept of more or less, greater than less than to your child. Gradually children can be introduced to comparison signs like greater than, less than and equals to (>, < and =).
You can do the following activities according to the instructions. Find out which is less and which is more.
Teaching the Concept of More and Less begins at the Toddler Age
More and less is an important concept for children to understand. Children are usually able to become acquainted with the concept of more as toddlers. In preschool and kindergarten, they will continue to show their understanding through comparing groups as more or less, sometimes called more or fewer. It is never to early to get started, here are a few easy ways to introduce the concept of more into daily life. More and Less Worksheet for Kindergarten.

Before You Teach More or Less
Review One to One Correspondence
Before you begin teaching more and less, you may want to begin by reviewing one to one correspondence.
You will need:

*6 cups
*6 straws
1. Place six cup in a row in front of the child
2. Count the cups 1 to 6 and you set them down
3. Have the child repeat each number after you
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4. Repeat steps 1-3 with the straws.
5. Point to the group of cups. Say, “This is a group of cups.” Point to the group of straws. Say, “This is a group of straws.”
6. Match the 2 groups by placing the straws in the cups one at a time.
7. Ask the question, “Are there as many cups as there are straws?”
Success: Child should answer, “yes.”