Preschool Find The Missing

VISUAL PERCEPTION AND ATTENTION STUDIES Visual Perception Studies: Visual perception is the ability of an individual to comprehend what he sees. The skill in visual perception improves reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic calculation in children and helps them to develop many other skills required to be successful in school (Frostik, 1968). Visual perception develops between the Read More

Attention Development Exercises-2

Benefits of Attention Studies It increases the success of the lesson by actively operating the learning system and improving the learning ability. Listening skill increases, auditory perception becomes stronger. It helps to be able to think flexibly. It benefits short-term memory and long-term memory development. It supports the ability to learn from different angles. It Read More

Attention Development Exercises

What is the correct way to develop attention and how can we achieve stability? Through mindfulness we position ourselves to stimuli and initiate the cognitive process we can respond to. In the yield of this cognitive process, we start learning. Attention and learning are actually not that simple. Because in this process, it can make Read More

Preschool Attention Work-5

Play attention games at home Place 3-5 favorite plush toys of your child next to each other on the seat. Let them say their names one by one. Then have your eyes closed and buy a toy. Ask your child who opens his eyes which toy is missing. In this game, you can increase the Read More

Preschool Attention Work-4

Benefits of Strengthening and Developing Attention to Children Attention Skills in Children Listening and attention skills are vital for the development of the child because they enable the child to easily reach an important position in society in the future. Improving visual attention and auditory attention in preschool age ensures that the school age child Read More

Preschool Attention Work-3

Play attention games at home Place 3-5 favorite plush toys of your child next to each other on the seat. Let them say their names one by one. Then have your eyes closed and buy a toy. Ask your child who opens his eyes which toy is missing. In this game, you can increase the Read More

Preschool Attention Work-2

Attention Development Activities for Preschool Children I have some suggestions for improving your child’s attention. Remember that it will be helpful to do these activities regularly. In addition, in situations where we see improvement, it is important to congratulate the child for his success, to be motivated, to be patient and not to be in Read More

Preschool Attention Work

Benefits of Strengthening and Developing Attention to Children Attention Skills in Children Listening and attention skills are vital for the development of the child because they enable the child to easily reach an important position in society in the future. Improving visual attention and auditory attention in preschool age ensures that the school age child Read More

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